Struggling to find time to pray? Just start with your food!

You eat at least three times a day, right? There are three opportunities to thank God, to acknowledge Him, to invite Him into your moment wherever you might be.
Three times a day that you can draw closer to your Creator, Saviour and Lord.
Three times a day to remember what Jesus has done for you, and what the Holy Spirit who has been sent to you as a comforter, encourager and challenger.
And three times a day to remember your privilege because others might not be eating as well as you are today.
This isn’t a ritual, tradition or token gesture, it doesn’t have to be grand or public or particularly long. But praying when you come to eat can be a wonderful moment of spiritual re-centring and bringing our focus back to God.
Do we have to pray before a meal? No.
Should we pass up an opportunity to meet with God? Obviously not!
Let’s shift our perspective. Let’s start to see ‘saying grace’ as an opportunity to involve God in the regular, mundane parts of our lives.
Who knows what could happen in us and around us!
With grace and peace, Mark